This list of our favorite links represent a wealth of information that can be useful not only in the art and design world, but also in other worthwhile endeavors.
See our official web site: www.smduo.com
This is our commercial site that shows our services and portfolio.
Art and Design Associations on the World Wide Web: A huge resource for anything and everything that has to do with art and design.
A free service for reading and researching scripture online-- all in the language or translation of your choice! |
Color harmony Chooser: A nice useful program to help you select color that harmonize. A simple, useful, but not comprehensive tool.
Color Pad: This site allows you to play with colors as you "pick and drag" colors into a practice area. Very useful before to help you choose the right colors for a project.
Dick Blick Art Supplies: One of the largest art supply stores in the USA. Their prices online are much better than those at the store. Every time we went to their store, they always matched their online price, but you must have proof of their web site price, such as a printed page of the item.
Ebay: Before you spend on a brand new product, try Ebay. We have found very good products, both used and new for a fraction of the original price.
Google Image search: Looking for a hard to find image. Just type the name of the artist or image you are looking for in their search engine.
Mister Art Online Store: One of the largest art stores online. They also offer a membership for $25 a year for bigger discounts.
The Art Encyclopedia: You can find just about any painting you are looking for. You can search by artist, artwork title, and art museum by name and place.
Webster's Dictionary: Stumped by the meaning, spelling, or pronunciation of a word? This is the site to go to solve all your lexicon troubles. You can even hear the pronunciation of the word.
Winsor & Newton: The official site of the famed Winsor & Newton Art manufacturer.